Frequently Asked Questions

What is Exchange?

Exchange is an all-volunteer, national service organization for men and women who want to serve their community, develop leadership skills and enjoy new friendships.  Exchange is made up of nearly 630 clubs and 18,000 members throughout the United  States and Puerto Rico.

Why join Exchange?

To help build a better America, and in so doing, bring out the best  in yourself.  Exchange helps members to develop leadersip, networking and organizational skills that contribute to success in business, family and personal endeavors.  More importantly, Exchange provides members with the opportunity to share their time and talents to help others.

How do I join an Exchange Club?

Feel free to fill out this application and turn it in to one of your local Exchange Club representatives.

Is there an Exchange Club near me?

Most likely, please browse the linked page and see if you can locate an Exchange Club near you.  Once you find one, please feel free to contact the club in your area. 

Can I help with membership?

Yes!  We have a series of suggestions to help with increasing membership.  We urge you to browse the linked page to help make your local exchange club vibrant and lively.

Are my donations to the Exchange Club tax deductable?

Yes, however, we recommend you always consult a tax specialist since there are many nuances to tax codes.

The Exchange Club Mission

Exchange, America's Service Club, is a group of men and women working together to make our communities better places to live through programs of service in Americanism, Community Service, Youth Activities, and its national project, the Prevention of Child Abuse.